16th January 2025

Interested in finding out more about work happening now in HSC Trusts to improve impact and outcomes for people with Learning Disabilities?
NIPEC is hosting the next RNLD Communities of Practice (CoP) event on Wednesday 5 February 2025 from 2pm – 4pm. This session is focusing on Equity of Access and Outcome and follows on from the launch of the Equity of Access and Outcome Report by the Health Minister in November 2024.
Register for the event to hear about the innovative collaborative working between RNLDs and District Nursing in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust. You will learn more about the impact and outcomes of this initiative for people with a learning disability. This CoP event is also featuring a piece on Learning Disability Awareness Training being delivered in the Western Health and Social Care Trust by RNLDs for general healthcare staff. You can find out how this innovative training has been evaluated by participants and impacted practice.
This is a virtual event and is for all RNLDs and other nurses who have an interest in supporting people with learning disabilities, across all settings to include HSC Trusts, the Education Sector and the Independent/Voluntary Sector.
Frances Cannon, Associate Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC is encouraging registration for the event and commented:
“Trust colleagues will be sharing their lived experience of engaging in joint efforts and partnerships across departments and teams to achieve positive outcomes for people with a learning disability. This is an opportunity to hear great examples of this work in practice and will be an informative session with lots of valuable learning being shared.”
To register for this virtual event, which will be hosted by NIPEC on MS Teams, please email jack.dorrian@nipec.hscni.net to receive joining details