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Adult Safeguarding

Picture of Fiona Bradley

Fiona Bradley, Senior Professional Officer

Safeguarding adults is complex and challenging and is part of everyday nursing and midwifery practice in any setting. The NMC encourages nurses and midwives to reflect on their personal and team practice and make changes where necessary to prioritise safeguarding. In addition, the NMC state nurses and midwives should have the skills to confidently recognise and effectively manage situations where they suspect a person in their care is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, including poor practice.

Safeguarding Adult Nurses are employed throughout the Health and Social Care Services (HSC). Following an initial meeting in December 2015 these nurses have continued to meet, facilitated by NIPEC in partnership with the PHA, to provide support and development for each other. They have discussed the benefit of having a core competency framework that would provide support to them and give guidance and support to nurses and midwives in their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding adults.

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) requested the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council (NIPEC) to work in partnership with the Public Health Agency (PHA) on the development of a Safeguarding Adults: Core Competency Framework for Nurses and Midwives.

View the Project Plan

View the Agendas, Action Notes, and Membership of Phase Two

View the Final Report

View the Competency Framework

View the communication from CNO

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