10th January 2024

NIPEC planning workshop sets the scene for the implementation of the new NMC Post-registration Standards in September 2024.
In December 2023 over forty participants came together to discuss and plan for the smooth transition of the new NMC Post-registration Standards into practice and education. A range of excellent speakers contributed to the workshop, including representatives from the NMC, Ulster University and the HSC Trusts. Members within the workshop also discussed and made plans to take this work forward.
Fiona Bradley, Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC is the Project Lead and is being supported on the project by Cathy McCusker, Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC.
Speaking on the day of the workshop Fiona commented:
‘Today’s event has demonstrated the energy and drive there is to implement the new standards across practice and education. I want to thank the Co-Chairs of the Collaborative, Sharon Burnside (SHSCT) and Diane Lyttle (UU) for their leadership and vision with this work. We have had great support and contributions from so many and without this collective effort we would not be where we are today.’
The Lead Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) from each of the five HSC Trusts will be starting in their roles and working in partnership with NIPEC to progress this work. Alongside Eilish Boyle, NIPEC Associate Professional Officer, they will be supporting their HSC Practice Education Teams to prepare, communicate and implement the necessary information and resources, in support of the new NMC post-registration standards.