9th November 2023

NIPEC staff joined with the Chief Executive, Linda Kelly to celebrate World Quality Day by launching the NIPEC Annual Quality Report.
Linda took the opportunity to thank the NIPEC team for continuing to work on initiatives and activities to maintain and improve the quality of care provided by nurses and midwives in Northern Ireland and the wider HSC system.
Speaking on World Quality Day, Linda commented:
“NIPEC is engaged in a range of projects focusing on developing the knowledge, expertise and standards of practice of staff to ensure that nurses and midwives can fully support the transformation agenda. This work is helping to deliver improved outcomes for the staff and the population we serve. The pursuit for quality excellence is at the heart of everything we do in NIPEC. We are continually striving to exceed the expectations of our stakeholders. This Annual Quality Report summarises some of this important work.”
This report reflects a sample of the approaches and activities which NIPEC has engaged in and delivered during 2022-2023. It has been a busy twelve months for NIPEC recently celebrating its 21st Birthday, hosting a high-profile regional conference and also relocating earlier in the year to new offices in James House, Belfast.
Read the Annual Quality Report
Watch here to find out more about the NIPEC journey over the last twenty-one years.
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