23rd August 2024

You may be aware of recent incidents of civil unrest. Employers of Nurses and Midwives are very conscious of the safety of their staff as they make their way to and from work each day and it is deeply worrying that some staff have been subjected to racist abuse. This is unacceptable behaviour and if you have experienced racist abuse please report each incident to the PSNI, tell your line manager and you can also speak to Human Resources.
View the letter from CNO and other Chief Professional Officers, Department of Health (PDF)
Some important links
PSNI contact details: Hate Crime | Police Service of Northern Ireland (psni.police.uk)
Hate Crime Advocacy Service The website also has a contact and referral form where Google Translate is available.
Migrant Centre NI website: Phone (028) 71 414848
Advice NI: Phone 0800 915 4604
These are a collection of Childline website online resources which children and young people can read, get advice, and/or engage in a chat function. They can be found under the bullying and wellbeing sections on the Youth Wellness Web:
Youth Wellness Web Wellbeing – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) web page
Translation-Safety – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) web page