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FNFM – Resources

Information and resources have been produced through the FNFM programme of work to support nurses, midwives and their employers, as well as Universities and students.  To access the resources click the on the headings below to identify which are relevant and the link to access or download them.

Key of Role Abbreviations 

RN: Non-HSC – Registered Nurses in Non-HSC organisations
RN: HSC – Registered Nurses in HSC organisations
RM – Registered Midwives
NISCC – Northern Ireland Social Care Council Registrants
OHCP – Other Health and Social Care Professionals/Non Registrants
Student – Nursing and Midwifery Students
Employer – all organisations who employ registered nurses, registered midwives,  Northern Ireland Social Care Council Registrants or other Health and Social Care Professionals
AEIs – Approved Education Intuitions/Universities in Northern Ireland