Lorraine, Senior Nursing Assistant, SEHSCT
The Senior Nursing Assistant works as a member of the District Nursing Team and assists in the provision of safe, effective, person-centred care under the direction of a registered nurse. They take responsibility for delegated activities including limited clinical or therapeutic interventions, within the limits of their competence. Senior Nursing Assistants may also consider the option to progress to become a registered nurse. Listen to the Senior Nursing Assistant describing their role in District Nursing by clicking on their name.
The core competency domains relevant to the Senior Nursing Assistant role have been mapped to the relevant DoH (2018) Standards for Nursing Assistants
View the Senior Nursing Assistant role in the Career Pathway document pages 9-10.
View the Competencies | View the Job Description | View the Education Requirements |
The Senior Nursing Assistant uses effective clinical and communication skills when carrying out safe, effective, person and family centred care which has been delegated by a registered practitioner, within the limits of their competence (NIPEC 2019).
The Senior Nursing Assistant will:
• Provide care in line with the relevant guidelines, protocols, policies and procedures.
• Document care in line with the NI Record Keeping Guidelines (NIPEC 2016) and the District Nursing HSC Trust systems.
• Be aware of the Legal and Professional issues pertinent to working as a Senior Nursing Assistant, including:
– Accountability and delegation (NIPEC 2019);
– Access to Health Records;
– Consent;
– Mental Health and Capacity;
– Duty of Candour;
– Record keeping;
– Safeguarding Adults and young people;
– Infection prevention control measures;
– COSHH regulations (HSE 2018);
– Waste management.
• Undertake the following as directed by a Registered Nurse in line with the NIPEC Delegation Framework (2019): phlebotomy; clinical observations -temperature, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation; urinalysis; collection of samples; blood glucose monitoring; catheter care; ostomy care; continence management; prevention of pressure ulceration (does not include risk assessment), application
of prescribed topical creams, ointments and eye drops, simple wound and skin care; and lower limb care. -
The Senior Nursing Assistant participates in relevant education and learning opportunities and is supported to improve knowledge, skills and behaviours.
The Senior Nursing Assistant will:
- Undertake work-based induction and relevant education and training.
- Engage with line manager to identify professional education and development needs and undertake appropriate learning and development.
- Reflect on practice with line manager as part of appraisal and personal development planning.
• Undertake mandatory training and relevant professional updates including: Basic Life Support; Safeguarding Adults; and Safeguarding Children and Young People.
The Senior Nursing Assistant follows relevant guidelines, protocols, policies and procedures and understands the need to provide evidence-based care.
The Senior Nursing Assistant will:
• Follow the direction of registered practitioners in accordance with the relevant evidence-based guidance.
• Participate in quality improvement activities and audits as directed by the registered practitioner. -
The Senior Nursing Assistant is a vital member of the District Nursing team and works with other Health Care Professionals and agencies to provide high quality, safe effective, person and family centred care.
The Senior Nursing Assistant will:
- Understand their role within the District Nursing Team.
- Contribute as a member of the District Nursing Team and practise within the limits of their competence.
• Be able to manage their clinical workload and effectively prioritise delegated duties.