Cathy McCusker, Senior Professional Officer
The Perioperative Nursing Report (2021) sets out the way forward to maximise the role of perioperative nursing through the development of a career pathway. This pathway will develop roles with innovative and exciting education and development opportunities and associated job descriptions. This will facilitate recruitment and retention of theatre nurses and support the delivery of safe, effective, person-centred and compassionate care for the population of Northern Ireland. The career pathway will reflect the strategic direction outlined in the Nursing and Midwifery Task Group Implementation Framework (DoH 2020). click here
The Chief Nursing Officer has commissioned NIPEC to undertake the development of this Career Pathway in partnership with key stakeholders on the Steering Group. The first Steering Group Meeting will take place on 7 June 2022, chaired by Janet Johnson, Belfast HSC Trust and Eunice Strahan, NIPEC Project Lead.
For more information about the project the documents page:

Eunice Strahan, Senior Professional Officer
Officer involved in the project:
Eunice Strahan
Senior Professional Officer
Email: Eunice.Strahan@nipec.hscni.net