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Career Pathway for Senior Nurse Out of Hours

In 2015, the Clinical Director of the Northern Ireland HSC Safety Forum asked NIPEC to progress work to address Recommendation 1 within the report: “Trusts should ensure there are career pathways for nurses to prepare to take on the key roles of Senior Nurse Leads in hospitals at nights and weekends”. In so doing, it was agreed that the work would also address Recommendation 11 within the RQIA (2013) report, in relation to nursing: “The job titles of key roles in hospitals at nights and weekends should be standardised across hospitals to avoid confusion for staff who move between hospitals”.

To take this work forward, a regional Project Task and Finish Group was established, chaired by Brenda Creaney, Executive Director Nursing and User Experience, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Membership of the Task and Finish Group included representation from the five HSC Trusts; Human Resources and Professional and Trade Union organisations.

As a result of this work,  a range of tools and resources have been developed to support Senior Nurse Leads in Hospital at Night including: core elements of job descriptions, career pathways and competencies required to undertake these roles. These have been submitted to the Chief Nursing Officer for final approval and will be available later in 2016. Northern Ireland Career Pathway for Nursing and Midwifery will also be updated which can be accessed at

For further information about the Project view the documents by clicking on the links below:

View the Agendas and Notes of Meetings here.


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