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Assess the Impact and Status of Nurse Prescribing

In Northern Ireland (NI), nurse prescribing was initially introduced in 1998 into five community pilot sites, and subsequently rolled out across NI in April 1999. At that time, Health and Social Care Trusts responded by adopting a structured approach to the implementation of nurse prescribing by training all District Nurses (DN) and Health Visitors (HV) (1999) and including it in core training for subsequently trained staff. NIPEC was asked at that time to complete a Review of the Implementation of Nurse Prescribing in 2007.

Midwives Exemptions allow midwives to supply and administer medication from an agreed list. It is important to note that in this context midwives are not prescribing medication.

Subsequently, in 2013 the Department Health Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS), Chief Nursing Officer has requested that another regional review to assess the impact and status that nurse prescribing has had on NI’s Health Service be undertaken again.

Therefore, in partnership with the Public Health Agency (PHA), NIPEC has agreed to lead and deliver on this project within agreed timescales and methodology as outlined in the Project Initiation Document (PID).

View the Final Report

View other documents by clicking on the links below:

Nurse Prescribing Project Initiation Document

Review of the Implementation of Nurse Prescribing


Nurse Prescribing Steering Group

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