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Review of Nurse Training and Development needs relating to Nutrition

The Promoting Good Nutrition Strategy for adults was launched on the 9 March 2011. The purpose of the strategy is to improve the nutritional care of adults in all health and social care settings. Subsequently guidance and resources to support nutritional care in practice were launched in November 2013. The regional implementation steering group responsible for the implementation of the strategy requested NIPEC to undertake a work programme to deliver on the following objective:

Establish a Working Group to review the training, education and development available for nursing staff including nursing assistants employed in the HSC Trusts, Independent Care Home Providers and Voluntary Sector in relation to awareness of the nutritional needs of patients/clients and their responsibilities in meeting identified needs.

A Project Plan has been developed and agreed with the co-chairs of the PGN Steering Group. A Working Group chaired by Elizabeth Graham ADoN for education in the Northern HSC Trust has been set up to oversee the Project. Frances Cannon is the nominated NIPEC Project Lead. Membership of the Working Group includes a range of key stakeholders instrumental to the completion of the Project. The aim of the project is to:

  • review the training, education and development available for nursing staff employed in the Health and Social Care Trusts, Independent Care Home Providers and Voluntary  Sectors in relation to awareness of the nutritional needs of patients/clients and their responsibilities in meeting identified needs
  • make recommendations to the Regional Implementation Steering Group regarding training, educational and development requirements to address any gaps identified.

View the Project Plan and Documents here.