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Professional Framework for Emergency Care Nursing

In April 2014 Chief Nursing Officer, Charlotte McArdle asked NIPEC to work alongside the RCN and Emergency Nurses Network to take forward a work stream to further the professional development of the Emergency Care Nursing workforce in Northern Ireland.

A Project Plan for the work stream was developed and agreed with the Chief Nursing Officer. A Steering Group chaired by Linsey Sheerin, clinical co-ordinator RVH,  has been set up to oversee the Project. Membership of the Steering Group includes a range of key stakeholders instrumental to the success of the Project. The first meeting of the Steering Group was held in  June 2014 at which it was agreed that sub groups will be established as required to take forward pieces of work relevant to the Project.

Frances Cannon, Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC is the Project Lead and she is being assisted by Roisin Devlin , ENP, SEHSCT.

It is planned that the Project will be delivered over two phases within a 12 month period:

Phase 1:   aims to examine the current model of the organisation of the nursing workforce within Emergency Departments

Phase 2:   aims to agree a model to support the organisation of the nursing workforce which will propose a workforce structure, career pathway, professional infrastructure and processes, and administrative/clerical and other supports to ensure the optimal use of the nursing contribution with Emergency Departments.

This Project will dove tail with a number of other NIPEC work streams including:

  • Career Pathway for Nursing and Midwifery Framework
  • Advanced Nursing Practice Framework
  • Development of Health Care Support Worker Roles
  • Delivering Care: A Northern Ireland Framework for Nursing and Midwifery Normative Staffing Ranges to support Person Centred Care

A Final Project Report, including recommendations for implementation, will be submitted to the Chief Nursing Officer for her consideration.

View the Agendas and Action Notes
View the Project Plan, and Membership for this project
View the Communique’s
View the Professional Framework for Emergency Care Nursing documents
View the Review of Manchester Triage System(MTS)

Emergency Care Nursing Group

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