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Recording Care

Recording Care is a regional project which NIPEC has led since 2009. The aim of the work is to continue to support improvement in the standard of nurse record keeping in Northern Ireland and to promote a culture that supports person-centred record keeping practices through a range of recording format solutions.

More recently, a funded programme of work: Transforming Nursing and Midwifery Data (2018 – 2020) supported the transformation of practice and the nursing and midwifery professions to lead and implement transformational change relating to data capture and preparedness for digital recording keeping.

Current project work includes:

  • Progression of a spread plan across the five HSC Trusts to further implement the PACE approach to promote person-centred care planning in Northern Ireland.
  • Implementation of a framework to evaluate the regional care planning approach in partnership with the Higher Education Institutions.
  • Development of a communication strategy to inform frontline staff of the achievements and work of the Project.
  • Provision of regional expertise as requested to the Encompass programme of work.
  • Implementation of revised nursing assessment data sets in children’s, adult short stay and learning disabilities services.
  • Working with District Nursing leads to: adopt a revised regionally agreed data set for assessment of nursing need in community settings and adoption of the PACE model for planning nursing care in community settings.

The project has two main groups:

  1. Steering Group – Chaired by Nicki Patterson, Executive Director of Nursing, South Eastern HSC Trust.  View the Agendas and Notes of the group.
  2. Working Group – currently paused. View the Agendas and Notes of the group.

For further information and resources that will help you think about improving your own and your team’s record keeping practice go to the Recording Care Microsite here