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Delivering Care: Nurse Staffing in Northern Ireland

The Chief Nursing Officer for Northern Ireland has commissioned the Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions at the Public Health Agency to develop a framework to ensure appropriate skills and rudimentary statistics in Northern Ireland. The need to develop tools to enable effective workforce planning was recognised in the Northern Ireland Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery 2010 – 2015: A Partnership for Care. NIPEC was asked to manage and co-ordinate a project to define staffing ranges within primary and secondary care settings to support the achievement of safe, effective, person-centred care. The resulting definitions continue to support constructive conversations to take place between commissioners and service providers.

A project Steering Group and Working Group were set up in 2011 and a number of communiques produced to update stakeholders on the work which was achieved. View the communiques by click on the links below:

Subsequently, on conclusion of the first Phase, the Minister for Health, Edwin Poots MLA, announced the Delivering Care Framework as policy 27 January 2014. Final versions of the documents can be viewed in pdf format by clicking on the links below.

View Phase 2  – Type 1 Emergency Care Settings

View Phase 3 – District Nursing Teams

View Phase 4 – Health Visiting

View the Delivering Care: Nurse Staffing in NI documents