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Framework for Supervision in Nursing and Midwifery

At the Central Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee (CNMAC) held on 10 June 2016, the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) sought and secured agreement to take forward work to explore the potential of the development of a Nursing and Midwifery Supervision Framework for Northern Ireland that could be positioned under one policy directive.

The work was to recognise that nursing and midwifery are two separate professions along with recommendations for legislative changes to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 to remove the statutory supervision of Midwives. As part of this work CNO also intended to explore if the extant DHSSPS policy for Safeguarding Children Supervision for Nurses and Midwives should be reviewed and included in the Framework.

The aim of the project is to develop an overarching Supervision Framework for the nursing and midwifery professions in Northern Ireland.

Work progressed to date includes:

  • Review of the three types of supervision in Northern Ireland by individual sub groups
  • Two workshops to consider an outline for a future framework.

These activities had included a consideration of the relevant literature and evidence for each area of supervision practice. Click on the links below to view the documents:

  • Project Plan
  • Safe Guarding Sub Group – managed by Public Health Agency

View the Membership of the Programme Board and the Agendas and Action Notes

View the Membership of the Nursing Sub Group and view the review document and findings.

View the work of the Midwifery Sub Group