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NI Action Plan: Strengthening the Commitment

The Report of the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review: Strengthening the Commitmentwas released in April 2012. Since then a Northern Ireland Action Plan has been developed to take forward its recommendations. Following a period of consultation the Action Plan was officially launched in June 2014 and is available at:

A Northern Ireland Regional Collaborative has been established by the DHSSPS’s Chief Nursing Officer Charlotte McArdle to support delivery of the actions of the Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review Strengthening the Commitment Northern Ireland Action Plan (DHSSPS 2014).

NI Regional Collaborative

The Northern Ireland Regional Collaborative (the Collaborative) is chaired by Professor Owen Barr, Head of School of Nursing, Ulster University. This programme of work is facilitated and  supported by NIPEC. The Collaborative currently includes representation from the Independent Sector, all five of the Health and Social Care Trusts, Educational Providers, NIPEC, the Health and Social Care Board and Public Health Agency.


View the Agendas and Action Notes.
View  the Membership of the Project Group.
View the Communiques.
View information on RNLD forum.
View information on the Development of the Learning Disabilities Career Framework.
View information on the Outcomes Based Resources Pack – RNLD.
View the Information Seminar of the StC Report.
View Information on the NI Action Plan.
View the photo gallery of events.
View all relevant documentation in relation to NI Action Plan: Strengthening the Commitment.

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